Thursday 8 December 2016

Potato Soup with Carrots, Chicken and Winter Melon

As the weather gets increasingly brrrr, the urge to hide under a blanket on my Lazy Lounge Sofa with a steaming hot bowl of soup is becoming more and more irresistible. I have to admit though, soup is one of my favourite things in the world. It can make you feel better when you’re sick, warm when you’re cold and happy when you’re sad. I love soup.
I also love potatoes. Soft, warm, mushy and adorable in toy-form (Mr. Potato Head!), potatoes are the comfort food to rule them all.
Isn’t he cute?
And the best part is . . . potatoes are so cheap right now in Ontario. 10 pounds for $1.50-$2, they’re practically giving it away.
This soup combines two of my favorites – potatoes and winter melon – for a slightly different potato soup experience.
5-7 average sized potatoes
2 cups chopped winter melon
2 average sized carrots
1 chicken leg
Soya sauce or salt
1. Peel and chop potatoes, carrots and winter melon into cubes.
2. Put everything in pot with chicken and fill with water.
3.Bring to boil then simmer.
4. Remove chicken after about 15 minutes or when cooked through and shred. Put shredded meat back into pot.
5. Continue cooking till vegetables are soft.
6. Add soya sauce or salt to taste.
7. Sit back and enjoy a delicious, streaming bowl of soup!

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